pu: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS
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pu: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS


Article ID: 139033


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


When I execute the pu command, it shows this error "pu: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS and using TWO_FISH". What does it mean?


root@xxxxxxxx:/opt/nimsoft/bin># /opt/nimsoft/bin/pu -u <username> -p <password> processes
Oct 24 05:12:47:537 2 pu: _nimInit
Oct 24 05:12:47:537 2 pu: nimCharsetSet() - charset=
Oct 24 05:12:47:538 0 pu: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS and using TWO_FISH
Address: processes                   Request: _command
_status         PDS_PCH           9 detail%d
_command        PDS_PCH           9 detail%d
_debug          PDS_PCH          40 level%d,trunc_size%d,trunc_time%d,now%d
_stop           PDS_PCH           0 NULL
_restart        PDS_PCH           0 NULL
loglevel        PDS_PCH           8 level%d
list_processes  PDS_PCH         163 proc,cmdline,binpath,owner,scan_parent_name,max_cpu%d,min_cpu%d,min_size%d,max_size%d,file_count_max%d,file_count_min%d,min_threads%d,max_threads%d,table_format%d
get_process_info PDS_PCH           6 pid%d
list_windows    PDS_PCH           6 pid%d
list_samples    PDS_PCH           6 pid%d
list_sample_table PDS_PCH           0 NULL
kill_process    PDS_PCH          18 pid%d,exit_code%d
get_token       PDS_PCH           7 string
_list_profile_samples PDS_PCH           8 watcher
list_profiles   PDS_PCH          19 name,show_disabled
get_info        PDS_PCH           1
_get_alarms     PDS_PCH           9 active%d


Release: UIM 20.x

Robot: v9.x

PU Utility v9.x





The error is benign. It is related to some future code for FIPS compliance that has not been implemented yet.

Additional Information

Related KB: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS and using TWO_FISH (broadcom.com)