What is the upgrade path for DX/CA Spectrum?
What is the DX NetOps Spectrum upgrade path?
All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases
Always perform an offline backup of SSdb after upgrading the CA Spectrum.
( $SPECROOT is the directory where SPECTRUM is installed)
1. Stop the SpectroSERVER process.
cd $SPECROOT/bin/
2. Change the working directory to $SPECROOT/SS
3. Execute the "SSdbsave" command to save a database, use the following command syntax:
../SS-Tools/SSdbsave -cm <filename>
(Where <filename> = name of database to be saved)
../SS-Tools/SSdbsave -cm ../SS-DB-Backup/db_20210401_manualsave.SSdb
Using the -cm will backup the catalog and the models. This is synonymous with an online Spectrum backup.
4. The resulting filename will be appended with .SSdb