How to list the unique Data Collector id DCM_ID in Performance Management
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How to list the unique Data Collector id DCM_ID in Performance Management


Article ID: 13251


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


User would like to find out the Data Collector unique ID so that they can backup it in case they need to reinstall to other machine.

Where I can find the unique Data Collector id DCM_ID?

This shows how to gather a full set of DCM_ID values in case a Data Collector needs to be reinstalled. Reusing the same DCM_ID during the install allows the freshly installed version to behave the same as the previous one. Without doing so the devices managed by the previously installed DC will not be associated to the reinstalled DC.


All supported Performance Management releases


An example DCM_ID value looks like this:


The format of the Data Collector component ID, or DCM_ID, is HOSTNAME:UUID (universally unique identifiers).

There are two ways to find the Data Collector DCM_ID value.

  1. Log into the Performance Center Web UI. Go to Administration->Monitored Items Management->Data Collectors
    1. The ID column in the Data Collectors pane contains the DCM_ID
    2. If the ID column isn't exposed:
      1. Hover the mouse over a column title in the Data Collectors pane
      2. Select the Gear icon.
      3. Select Columns
      4. Enable the ID column
  2. The second method is to use a REST call via a web browser tab or REST API client.
    1. Using a web browser tab enter the following URL:
      1. http://<DA_HostName>:<port>/rest/dcms
        1. Replace <Port> with the configured port. Default Port is 8581.
        2. Replace <DA_HostName> with the DA host name or IP address
        3. TIP: Use this URL for a single DCs output using it's ID from the /rest/dcms outpu
          1. http://<DA_HostName>:<port>/rest/dcms/<ID>
            1. Replace <ID> with the DC ID
      2. The value will be seen in the <DcmID> tag.
        1. If many DCs are present search for the host name
        2. See example of the output for a single DC below in Additional Information.
    2. Using a REST API client issue a GET to the URL above that is used in a web browser tab.

Additional Information

<DataCollectionMgrInfo version="1.0.0">
<TenantName>Default Tenant</TenantName>
<IsA name="Versions" rootURL="versions"/>
<IsA name="DeviceComponent" rootURL="devices/components"/>
<IsA name="IPDomainMember" rootURL="ipdomainmember"/>
<IsA name="Pollable" rootURL="pollable"/>
<IsA name="DistributedItemRepositoryInfo" rootURL="distireps"/>
<NormalizedDCMHealthInfo version="1.0.0">
<IPDomainMember version="1.0.0">
<DistributedItemRepositoryInfo version="1.0.0">
<LastStateChangeTime>Tue May 26 10:48:00 2020 -0400</LastStateChangeTime>
<Item version="1.0.0">
<Name>DC_HOSTNAME - DCM0</Name>
<CreateTime>Mon Sep 30 12:12:35 2019 -0400</CreateTime>
<Versions version="1.0.0">
<ComponentNames>Data Collector</ComponentNames>