What are the Archive Manager's DDMDB Performance Improvements in Spectrum 10.3?
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What are the Archive Manager's DDMDB Performance Improvements in Spectrum 10.3?


Article ID: 131028


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


DDMDB Performance Improvements 

- Due to landscape data consolidation with Spectrum 10.x, DDMDB database is growing in size. 
- Data retrieval is slow and OneClick console /Archive manager hang on selecting event tab 
- Before 10.3 , DDMDB database uses MyISAM engine for data storage 

What are the DDMDB Performance Improvements in Spectrum 10.3?


CA Spectrum 10.4.x+


- All the tables are converted from MyISAM to high performance engine InnoDB. 
- Event table is partitioned to speed up the data retrieval. 

Archive Manager Database Changes 

- For Fresh Install: All the DDMDB tables will be in InnoDB by default 
- Upgrade and Migrations: After Installation, to convert the tables run the below script 
- It is recommended to run the above script after upgrade 
- Save the DDMDB database before running to avoid any potential data loss 

Note: If customer initializes the ddm database after upgrade to 10.3 then all the database tables will have InnoDB Engine. 


Conversion Script 

- Free disk space should be greater than 3 times the size of event table 
- Navigate to the location: $SPECROOT\SS\DDM\scripts 
- Run the script ./convert_current_myisam_to_innodb.pl 
- After the tables conversion user is prompted whether to start the Archive Manager 

Note:Archive Manager is stopped and user should not start until the script execution is complete 


Event Table Partitioning 

- Each partition of the event table contains one day of data 
- The number of partitions will be equal to Archive Manager event retention period + 1(future date) 
- In case of fresh install you will see the 2 partitions – one partition for installation date and another for future date 
- Each day depending upon retention period Archive Manager 
-- Creates a new partition 
-- Deletes the oldest partition during the events purge 


DDM Utilities 

- ddmsave and ddmload utilities supports InnodB database 
- If the Archive Manager database is InnoDB 
-- ddmload will not allow you to load the MyISAM database file 
e.g: database save file created in version less than 10.3 
- To load the old MyISAM database file, user need to convert the file to InnoDB database using the conversion script (convert_saved_myisam_to_innodb.pl) 

Converting old saved db to InnoDB: 
- Navigate to the location : $SPECROOT\SS\DDM\scripts 
- Run the script ./convert_saved_myisam_to_innodb.pl 
- Prerequisite: Free disk space should be greater than 3 times the size of event table 
- Script log files will be generated in location $SPECROOT\SS\DDM\scripts 

Additional Information

Post Upgrade Tasks 

Known issues:

Failure in the mysqlbackup during the execution of post_olb_script does not generate event and alarm

10.3 DDMDB convert_current_myisam_to_innodb.pl fails with ERROR 1086 

Why does the post upgrade script convert_current_myisam_to_innodb.pl fail on line 16?

Error when running the Spectrum post install script on Linux


DDMDB Migration Script Fails with MYSQL error on Windows