Are AW003ALU and AW006MKD jobs mandatory for Common Services 15.00 installation?
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Are AW003ALU and AW006MKD jobs mandatory for Common Services 15.00 installation?


Article ID: 130191


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AW003ALU and AW006MKD are jobs located in the SAMPJCL library of Common Services 15.0. 

AW003ALU is the job to allocate product USS Datasets, AW006MKD is the job to allocate product USS Directories. 

Are AW003ALU and AW006MKD jobs mandatory for Common Services 15.00 installation?  


COMMON SERVICES 15.0 - z/OS supported releases - 


The AW003ALU job allocates the zFS directories for the USS based components (Only required if installing CFF6F00).  

The AW006MKD job allocates product USS Directories (Only required if installing CFF6F00). 

These jobs have to be run if CFF6F00 fmid is installed in Common Services 15.0 CSI. 

The FMID comparison can be found at the url: 

The following table lists the FMIDs that CA Common Services (CCS) for z/OS 15.0 contains and their corresponding values in CA Common Services for z/OS 14.1.

Here is the table for CFF6F00 fmid: 

Component                    CCS 15.0                                    CCS 14.1
                                       FMID           Pax File Name        FMID            Pax File Name

Apache Tomcat              CFF6F00      Base                      CEG1E10    Optional
Data Mover                    CFF6F00      Base                      CFGBE10     PTF

Message Service           CFF6F00      Base                      CFGBE10     PTF

Data Collector Service   CFF6F00      Base                      CFF5E10      PTF

Java to z/OS Service     CFF6F00      Base                      CFF6E10      PTF

There is no need to run those jobs if CFF6F00 fmid is not installed in the Common Services 15. CSI.  

Additional Information

Here are some useful links to the Common Services 15.0 documentation