Does APM On-Premise Java Agent support Java 9-11?
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Does APM On-Premise Java Agent support Java 9-11?


Article ID: 129997


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CA Application Performance Management SaaS CA Application Performance Management (APM / Wily / Introscope) CA Application Performance Management Agent (APM / Wily / Introscope) INTROSCOPE


Does APM On-Premise Agent support Java 9-11?


APM 10.7 and SaaS


1) Java 9 and 11 are only supported for APM SaaS agents

As of October 2020, there are no plans to backport the Java 11 support to 10.7. The best option for customers is to use the latest agent from APM saas.

2) You can use APM SaaS Agents with either the APM SaaS or APM onPremise 10.7 EM.

There are separate instructions to use with Java 9 to 11.

For Application using Java 8 and previous versions:

 -javaagent:$AGENT_HOME/Agent.jar -DagentProfile=$AGENT_HOME/core/config/IntroscopeAgent.profile

For Application using Java 9 and higher versions:

 -javaagent:$AGENT_HOME/Agent.jar -DagentProfile=$AGENT_HOME/core/config/IntroscopeAgent.profile --add-exports java.instrument/sun.instrument=ALL-UNNAMED --add-exports --patch-module java.base=$AGENT_HOME/common/AgentSocket.jar


Additional Information

How to configure DXI APM SaaS agents or DX APM Onpremise 11.x, 19.x, 20.x to connect to 10.7 On-premise?