Automation Engine asks Activate Your Product
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Automation Engine asks Activate Your Product


Article ID: 129723


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CA Automic Workload Automation - Automation Engine


After loading the license the Automation Engine still asks to activate the product when logging into client 0.


Release: AUTWAB99000-12.2-Automic Workload Automation-Base Edition


In Automation Engine v12.2.2 (28 February 2019) and v12.3.x  two changes have been implemented in the Automation Engine that are representative of Broadcom strategy:
  1. The classic licensing module has been removed from the product.
  2. A telemetry functionality has been introduced.

These two changes have to be considered as mostly independent: The removal of licensing module removes the burden of managing licenses for the customer, but there is no obligation for the customer to activate telemetry.

However, a customer who has signed a Portofolio License Agreement or PLA is obliged to inform Broadcom of the product usage: this is done by activating telemetry or by reading out usage data by the REST API

Importantly, the removal of the license check, does relief the customer of the obligation to purchase the entitlement to use One Automation.


There is no more technical requirement to install a license:
  1. There is no more need to load a license with the DB Load Utility (ucybdbld), as a consequence the License page in the Administration perspective remains intentionally empty
  2. The 'Activate your product' popup in client can be ignored. The Automation does not have any technical check of the license anymore and can be used without a license.
  3. The fact that the 'Activate your product' popup keeps appearing at login is a bug and will be corrected in a future version
Telemetry can be activated optionally:
  1. Customers who have a PLA should activate telemetry to collect usage data, other customer can do this optionally
  2. Only information about the number of AE servers and the number of Agents is collected.
  3. Collected telemetry data is send to Broadcom. This happens on a daily bases by internet (via a proxy) or can be read out by the REST API (details of the latter will follow)

Additional Information

As a consequence of the above, Non-Stop AE clusters can now be used as a full cluster setup.