Why are updated Cisco devices not being placed in the Cisco IOS - SSH Capable Family?
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Why are updated Cisco devices not being placed in the Cisco IOS - SSH Capable Family?


Article ID: 129024


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


Cisco devices that are updated or new are not being placed into the Cisco IOS - SSH Capable family, only the IOS family.  Why is this happening?


Component: SPCAPP


Cisco updated their IOS and later devices so that the "K9" feature set is actually included and not an add-on.

The K9 feature set / license gave strong encryption to the device thus being able to SSH to the device.  Without it, Spectrum could not determine the device was SSH capable.

Because of this, the System Description no longer contains "K9" which is what Spectrum was looking for.

Broadcom has resolved this issue in 10.3.2 and these updated devices should now properly be placed into the respective families.

Add cisco_ssh_check=9K in the <SPECROOT>/SS/.vnrmc file and restart the SpectroSERVER, to place the Cisco 9300 series devices in the correct device family.

Note: The character K must be a capital letter.


Additional Information

If your devices are modeltype of GnCiscoDev, you must convert them to an enhanced modeltype, such as SwCiscoIOS. You will need to verify the Device Certification and you can use the "NewMM.pl -m" option to convert them from GnCiscoDev to the enhanced modeltype.


Review Spectrum 10.3.2 documentation:


Symptom: Cisco 9300 series devices are not placed in the ios-ssh family, even though the ssh is supported and k9 is enabled by default.
Resolution: Add cisco_ssh_check=9K in the <SPECROOT>/SS/.vnrmc file and restart the SpectroSERVER, to place the Cisco 9300 series devices in the correct device family.

And this section of Spectrum 10.4.3 documentation:
