mon config service PPM-020 when trying to configure probe
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mon config service PPM-020 when trying to configure probe


Article ID: 127166


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When trying to change mon_config_service configuration through adminconsole, you reached the following error:

Configuration was unable to be retrieved.

Message: Server Error: Unsupported adapter request for probe at address /<domain>/<hub>/HIDDEN_SERVER_NAME/mon_config_service
Resolution: Please use either the Thick Client or Raw Configure for this probe Error Code: PPM-020

This probe may not support this configuration. Click Raw Configure to configure using Raw Configure.


The probe documentation for the Monitoring Configuration Service states

"Change mon_config_service Probe Settings

Modify the default values for the mon_config_service probe using the Raw Configure function in Admin Console."


Use Raw config in Admin Console to modify the default settings for this probe