% Complete Calculation Methods Behavior
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% Complete Calculation Methods Behavior


Article ID: 125361


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


How do the three % Complete Calculation Methods work?


Component: PPRPRM


The way the % Complete field is calculated depends on the % Complete Calculation Method selected for that project. 

Table of Contents


If this option is selected, the value in the % Complete fields are manually entered at all levels in the task breakdown structure. Entering a % Complete value for a task does not affect any other tasks in the hierarchy. 

Once the task level % Complete values are manually updated, the % Complete field at project level must also be manually updated.
By default, the % Complete field at project level is located at the Project Properties > Schedule & Performance sub-page


This method measures the passage of time. If this option is selected, you can manually enter percent complete at the detail task level. However, the summary task and project level percent complete will be read only and will calculate based on the percentage of completed duration of all the detail tasks. 

% Complete = Completed Duration / Total Duration


This method will calculate the percent complete for all tasks. The % Complete on all summary and detail tasks will be read only. When using this method, only work done by labor resources is considered. (All non labor actuals and ETC will be ignored.) 
The percent complete will be calculated based on the following formula: 
% Complete = Labor Actuals/( Labor Estimates + Labor Actuals)

Where labor actuals is the sum of all actuals posted for labor resources, and labor estimates is the sum of all ETC for these resources.

Percent complete for a summary task is calculated by aggregating the labor resource actuals on the child tasks and dividing it by the sum of the labor resource total effort on all the child tasks.

Percent complete for a detail tasks is calculated by aggregating total labor resource actuals on the task assignments and dividing it by the total effort of all assigned labor resources.

The % Complete calculation at the summary task or project level (for projects using the Effort or Duration calculation methods) is triggered by the "Update % Complete" job
Note: When switching from Manual to Effort you letting Clarity decide on Task status and if it does not see any Actuals it will reset status to "Not Started". When the % Complete Calculation Method is changed from Manual to Duration, the % Complete and Status on any summary level task will update to reflect the progress of its subtasks.