Using Search in Clarity: Avoiding application overload / OOM
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Using Search in Clarity: Avoiding application overload / OOM


Article ID: 125318


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


Searching in Clarity slows down the application, what are the best practices to avoid heap dumps and OutOfMemory (OOM) errors?


Release: All


  • Search in Clarity is a memory-hungry operation that could consume hundreds of megabytes of memory.
  • Sometimes a user gets impatient and opens multiple requests at a time. Opening a second and third tab or refreshing the page will only resend the request in at the same time. This creates another long-running concurrent request, which will not make things faster but slow them down and even can bring down the application server.
  • We recommend searching in the application one request at a time, which will ensure the request will proceed at a maximum speed and will ensure the application's stability.

Additional Information

See also: Slow performance - best practices / known issues for Clarity