Please see files in C:\ActiveMQ\data\kahadb.
We may see a lot of db-XXX.log files in the above folder.
The db-XXX.log file is a journal files for ActiveMQ.
How to remove the journal files which are not needed.
We can remove the db-XXX.log files which are not needed on ActiveMQ UI.
Please login to ActiveMQ UI.
https://<your machine-name>:8161/
2:Please click "Manage ActiveMQ broker".
3:User : admin
Password : <communication password> which you used for ENTM installation
4:Please click "Queues" menu.
5:Please search "ActiveMQ.DLQ" and "queue/audit" from "Name" column.
Then, please click "Purge" from "Operations" column.
As the result, the db-XXX.log files which are not needed will be removed.