Error: "RPT-0020" running report due to exceeding page limit
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Error: "RPT-0020" running report due to exceeding page limit


Article ID: 122803


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When running status reports (or other out of the box or custom reports), the following message appears (may be randomly or intermittent). Running the report immediately, see error:

"RPT-0020 Error occurred while downloading the report <Report Name> Report. Please contact your system administrator error."

When run in scheduled mode, receive an email notification that the report has failed. 

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. In Clarity, go to 'Home' -> 'Reports and Jobs'
  2. Select 'Project Status Detail' report
  3. Fill in the fields > click on 'Submit'

Outcome: Receive RPT-0020 error.

In the app-ca.logs (if report is run in immediate mode) or bg-ca.logs (if report is run in scheduled mode), an error similar to the below appears:

ERROR 2019-03-19 07:01:05,234 niku.njs (clarity:<userID>:nmc.executeAvailReport) Jasper error message:Job: Report name (ID: 9000000000) 
Report unit: /Custom_Reports/Reports/<Report name>

Error Message: The report was not completed. An error occurred while executing it. 
Error filling report 

Caused by: net.sf.jasperreports.governors.MaxPagesGovernorException: Report "<Report Name>l" exceeded the limit of 1,000 maximum pages.

Example of other reports that this may be reported for: Missing Time


Release: All Supported Releases
Component: Clarity Jaspersoft Reporting


This issue is due to the amount of pages in the reports exceeding the allowed limit. This can happen if you do not choose any project in the parameter (or another parameter value) that will help limit the amount of pages generated. 

  • GCP customers: The limit is 1,000 pages
  • On Premise customers: The default is 500 pages, but this can be increased to 1,000 pages as referenced at: Install Jaspersoft 7.8.0 

One way to avoid this issue is to make a parameter mandatory (IE to select just one project rather than all of them).


Use the report setting parameters to reduce the amount of pages below the limit.

On Premise customers: The default is 500 pages, but this can be increased to 1,000 as referenced at: Install Jaspersoft 7.8.0 in section: Configure Cache Distribution over RMI on JasperReport Servers

Additional Information

For more details see the Page Limits section of the Jaspersoft Reports Server Troubleshooting Tips documentation. 

See also: "RPT-0020" error running reports - troubleshooting / known issues