Where to find information about CA Service Catalog Web Services and the associated WSDL URLs.
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Where to find information about CA Service Catalog Web Services and the associated WSDL URLs.


Article ID: 12109


Updated On:


CA Service Catalog


Where to find further information about CA Service Catalog WebServices?


Service Catalog 17.x


Here is a list of Catalog WebServices:

http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/AdministratorService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/CatalogService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/UserService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/AccountService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/BillingAccountService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/CMDBService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/AdminService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/RequestService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/FormDesignerService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/BusinessUnitService?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/Version?wsdl
http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services/ReportingService?wsdl

To see a list of the web services and methods you can access your server via the following link:

http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/services


You can log into Service Catalog > Administration > Tools > Links > Web Services API > You will find the description of web services and methods.

An example of how to invoke remote methods of CA Service Catalog Web Service using Java can be found in the following link in your Service Catalog server:

http://<Catalog Hostname>:<port>/usm/API/SOAP/JavaSampleOne.htm

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