ERROR: Received IcmpDaemon Response, but no request was found for it
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ERROR: Received IcmpDaemon Response, but no request was found for it


Article ID: 118694


Updated On:


CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


What does this error mean?

2022-01-20 20:34:11,141 | ERROR | monSocket-Reader | IcmpDaemonSocket                 | impl.icmpdaemon.IcmpDaemonSocket  865 | 202 - - 20.2.7.RELEASE-497 |  | Received IcmpDaemon Response, but no request was found for it: [uid=16874977]. There may have been an IcmpDaemon timeout.

It's seen in the DX NetOps Performance Management Data Collectors karaf.log file found in the (default path) /opt/IMDataCollector/apache-karaf-<version>/data/log directory.


All supported DX NetOPs Performance Management releases


This error generally revolves around network connectivity problems that could include network saturation or access restriction along the lines of a firewall.


This error indicates that the IcmpDaemon (an integral part of the Data Collector) sent out a ping request (icmp). It received a response, but the response did not come back until after the IcmpDaemon gave up waiting for it to arrive.