XCOM XCOMM0780E TXPI Errors & RV meanings
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XCOM XCOMM0780E TXPI Errors & RV meanings


Article ID: 117018


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XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - z/OS XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - Windows


TXPI is XCOM's Data Transport's proprietary interface with TCP/IP. The TXPI error number is included when the XCOM error message XCOMM0780E is displayed. 

The TXPI codes and the return values (RV) are not XCOM error codes, but are passed back from the TCP/IP layer. They are documented for completeness. In most instances it will be necessary to report these codes to BROADCOM Support


XCOM Data Transport for z/OS


Please refer to IBM Documentation for the meaning of the TCP/IP return values e.g.
z/OS Communications Server: IP Sockets Application Programming Interface Guide and Reference page: Sockets return codes (ERRNOs)
IBM z/VSE 6.2.0: Introducing Socket Programming page: ERRNO Values

TXPI # Explanation
101 Txpi sss is not supported for protocol nn
102 Size nn invalid for sss; should be nn
103 TXPI_SERVER_OPTIONS is NULL in TxpiInitServer
104 Internal error: size nn invalid for CONNECTION; should be nn
105 Parameter TXPI_CONNECT is NULL
107 Socket Type SOCK_DGRAM is not supported
108 Communication protocol unknown type nn
109 TxpiInitConnection P_TXPI_CONNECT parm is NULL
110 TxpiInitBroadcast is not supported
111 TxpiInitMulticast is not supported
112 Invalid TXPI_OPTIONS size nn (not nn)
113 Cannot allocate storage for the nn byte TXPI_CONNECT block
114 TxpiTerm for a server before TxpiInitConnection called for hClient
115 TxpiSetOptions cannot change the socket type from xx to yy
116 Cannot allocate storage for the nn byte TXPI_BUFFER block
117 Internal error: fnReceive returned only nn bytes. Requested at least nn
118 Internal error: Receive about to discard nn bytes. Rcvd: nn; Left: nn;
   Buf: nn
119 Freeing a TXPI buffer before receiving nn bytes of data
120 getclientid error return value = nn
121 givesocket error return value = nn
122 TxpiInitConnection: P_TXPI_CONNECT parm is NULL but dwClientId is nn
   (not zero)
201 WSAStartup error return value = nn
202 WSACleanup error return value = nn
203 Gethostbyname error return value = nn
204 Invalid ip address format sss
205 Socket error unknown type = nn
206 Socket error return value = nn
207 unused
208 Set socket SO_RCVBUF option error return value = nn
209 Set socket SO_SNDBUF option error return value = nn
210 Set socket NODELAY option error return value = nn
211 Socket connect error return value = nn
212 Socket bind error return value = nn
213 Socket accept error return value = nn
214 Socket listen error return value = nn
215 Socket send error return value = nn
216 Socket sendto error return value = nn
217 Socket receive error return value = nn
218 Socket receive from error return value = nn
219 Socket close error return value = nn
220 Socket send select error return value = nn
221 takesocket error return value = nn
222 Socket select error return value = nn
224 gethostname error return value = nn
225 unused
226 Select timed out with no data available
227 Socket received 0 bytes: partner closed socket. Last error: return
   value = nn
228 Select exception condition for socket return value = nn
229 TxpiSend aborted because unreceived data is available
230 Internal error: invalid connection type return value = nn
231 TxpiSend aborted because the partner called TxpiTerm
232 Error return value = nn following select
233 Socket return value = nn closed during accept/receive/select
234 Error return value = nn from getpeername; length: nn
235 Gethostid error return value = nn
701 Received remote data block at %#lX starting with invalid EyeCatcher
   %%#lX (%-1.32s); expected %#lx
702 Received remote data block with invalid header size nn; expected nn
703 nn bytes of unreceived data leaves no space for TxpiSend
704 TxpiSend aborted because nn bytes of unreceived data is available
801 Unable to find storage from prior process
802 OpenFileMapping error nn for storage class sss
803 Error return value = nn mapping %#lx bytes (nn nn -byte descriptor
   elements & nn - byte blocks) for sss
804 FileMap sss already in use. Cannot create a new one
805 Error nn from MapViewOfFile for %#lx bytes for map sss
806 Error allocating %%#lx bytes (nn nn -byte descriptor elements & nn byte
   blocks for sss)
807 Error nn from UnmapViewOfFile for sss
808 Internal error: Null PTXPI_STRUCTURE in StrInstance
809 All instances of structure sss have been allocated
810 Internal error: handle %%#lx for sss is not allocated
811 Internal error: handle %%#lx < %#lx or > %#lx for sss