Manage Spectrum users via RESTful API - examples
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Manage Spectrum users via RESTful API - examples


Article ID: 116305


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


I have a requirement to automatically manage my users/roles. Can this be leveraged through the REST API? 


All supported DX NetOps Spectrum releases


The following are some Restful examples for managing Spectrum Users. Using a RESTful client, connect to the OneClick server as per the following URLs.

Create a user by issuing the following as a POST request: 


Delete the user using a DELETE request: 


Associate user with a role using a POST request: 


where 0x10031 = user role association 

Use Spectrum CLI to obtain the User_Role_handles:

cd /vnmsh
./show models | grep -i LicenseRole

User_role_handle is shown in left column:

User roles: 

     0x100016 Operator        0x10453 LicenseRole 

     0x100015 Administrator   0x10453 LicenseRole 

     0x100012 Service Manager 0x10453 LicenseRole 

Create user Group: 


Associate user with group: 


where 0x10022 = Has_Member association 

Get user role: 


Get list of users model handles: 

POST request http://localhost/spectrum/restful/models with the following XML POST body will get you the list of users. 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<rs:model-request throttlesize="5"
xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../xsd/Request.xsd ">
  <rs:search-criteria xmlns="">
           <attribute id="AttributeID.MTYPE_HANDLE">
                 <value>0x10004</value> <!-- USER -->