How do we delete mailbox for disabled users? We tried etautil command but it doesn't work. How can we delete mailbox by etautil command?
From IMPM UI I performed a custom / delete mailbox and observed the request passed to the ADS connector by the provisioning server into the eta transaction log.
This worked exchange 2007 server and ADS 2008 R2.
My exchange option is agentless.
Based on my eta trans log analysis, To delete a mailbox you can send a ldapmodify to explicitly delete the following mailbox attributes for the account:
eTADSmailNickname, eTADSmsExchHomeServerName and eTADShomeMDB.
Here is an example:
ldapmodify -h localhost -p 20389 -D
"eTGlobalUserName=superadmin,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta"
-w secret -f
with the input file as:
dn: eTADSAccountName=AAA,eTADSOrgUnitName=...,eTADSDirectoryName=DDD,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=eta
objectClass: eTADSAccount
delete: eTADSmailNickname
eTADSmailNickname: Your_mailNickname_Value
delete: eTADSmsExchHomeServerName
eTADSmsExchHomeServerName: Your_msExchHomeServerName_Value
delete: eTADShomeMDB
eTADShomeMDB: Your_homeMDB_Value
With etautil you cannot explicitly delete attributes.
(You can remove a value from a multi valued attribute but cannot delete a single valued attribute)
Also the constraint with the ldap command is you cannot delete the attributes without setting their values.
By scripting you can perform a ldap search to retrieve those info and then run my suggested modify.