Several CA WA Business Agents use JDBC driver to connect to the database. The following require the JDBC drivers, the install package (pak file) comes with appropriate drivers.
How to upgrade the JDBC drivers?
The JDBC driver may be upgraded if a newer version has been made available by the database vendor. The driver may need to be updated if the vendor recommends new driver or if the database has been upgraded.
Follow these steps:
1. Download the drivers directly from the DB vendor site.
2. Remove the old JDBC jar file from <agent_install_directory>/jars/ext/ directory:
Note: Remove or delete the old JDBC jar file. Do not rename it.
3. Copy the new <jdbc_file_name>.jar to the following directory.
Each vendor names the files differently. Refer to DB vendor for exact filename and version. Here are filenames of commonly used drivers (names may change):
Oracle : ojdbc[N].jar E.g. ojdbc7.jar
MS-SQL: sqljdbc[NN].jar E.g. sqljdbc42.jar
IBM DB2: db2jcc.jar and db2jcc_license_cu.jar (two files)
PostgreSQL: postgresql.jar
4. Restart the Agent for the change to take effect.
Note: Broadcom (CA) does not write or maintain the JDBC drivers. The drivers must be downloaded from the database vendor website.