OData Error "Invalid user Id or Password"
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OData Error "Invalid user Id or Password"


Article ID: 112361


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


When attempting to connect to the URL for the OData service web page, the following error is thrown: 

<message lang="en-US">Invalid user ID or password.</message>

Other symptoms that may be reported:

  • You may instead see a blank page after attempting to log in.
  • Trying to connect from Excel, receive error: "We couldn't authenticate with the credentials provided. Please try again"
  • Users report error "Invalid Credentials"
  • No access to data


Release: All Supported Releases

Component: OData

GCP/SaaS Environments


This error typically indicates two possible issues:

  1. The password for the user being used to connect to OData needs to be changed in the UI under Administration - Resources. Depending on the 'Number Of Days Until Password Expires' value under Administration - System Options, it may be that the user's password has expired.
  2. The user might be locked in Administration - Resources

Additionally, in some cases this issue may also be noticed after a refresh of one environment to another.


Solution 1: Check user setup for account accessing Odata

  1. Ensure user is a non portal user
  2. Ensure the user name hasn't changed (example: changed from username to [email protected])
  3. Ensure the user is Active in Clarity (not locked or inactive)
  4. Check to see if the password is valid for the user (and not expired). If unsure, try reseting the user's password in Clarity. 
  5. Ensure the user has the required access including Data Warehouse OData Service - Navigate access and OData - Access
  6. Ensure you are using your Clarity PPM credentials as follows:
    • Enter the user name suffixed with a pipe symbol ( | ) followed by the OData Authenticator as follows: <CA PPM_USER>|<ODATA_AUTHENTICATOR>.
    • For example, if the Clarity PPM Username is PPMODataUser  and the OData Authenticator is PPMOData then enter the following username: PPMODataUser|PPMOData
    • (See #2 above to validate user ID is still correct)

Solution 2: Run the following Clarity job: Refresh Data Warehouse OData Model job

Additional Information

If the above doesn't help, see additional requirements / steps to configure OData at: Configure OData Access to the Data Warehouse