Are there any known problems with Endevor and Cobol V5 or V6?
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Are there any known problems with Endevor and Cobol V5 or V6?


Article ID: 11157


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


Are there any known problems with Endevor and Cobol V5 or V6?


Release:  V18.0   V18.1
Component: ENDBAS


There are no known issues however, Enterprise Cobol v5 and V6 have changed in areas such as the number of SYSUTS needed, the use of SYSMDECK in the compile JCL, Load Libraries must be a PDSe, and the region size of the compile must be a minimum of 200M.

To accommodate the IBM REGION= size requirement, you must code the REGION= on the JOBCARD. The reason for this is that within an Endevor Processor you cannot code the REGION= parameter on the compile step.

We recommend that you test your compile outside of Endevor, to see what changes have to be made to the compile and link jobs and then modify any of your Endevor processors.

Additional Information

For more information on the changes to COBOL  please contact IBM or review the following link - specifically Chapter 15. Changes with IBM Enterprise COBOL for z/OS, Version 5.1.