UIM purestorage probe Verify Selection fails with:
Message: Profile failed verification due to error java.lang.exception
Error code : VM-001
The purestorage log has:
Jul 27 10:30:22:657 [Data Collector - Us1pfa01, purestorage] https://##.##.##.##:443/api/1.4/xxxx/session
Jul 27 10:30:22:657 [Data Collector - Us1pfa01, purestorage] Session: null
Jul 27 10:30:22:657 [Data Collector - Us1pfa01, purestorage] Start CreateSession
Jul 27 10:30:22:662 [Data Collector - Us1pfa01, purestorage] IOException: java.security.cert.CertificateException: No subject alternative names matching IP address ##.##.##.## found
As per the release notes when SSL is enabled:
In the probe Raw Configuration interface -> startup section, add -Dhttps.protocols= TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1,SSLv3 to the options key value.