There are certain scenarios where sometime due to some technical reason the processes hung during execution. Such processes keep on executing but doesn't proceed any further.
Such process/es which are hung impedes the agents execution ability which are participating in execution of those hung process/es and henceforth as an Administrator it is required to clean the system and free it blocked resources. Some of the most common known scenarios are listed below.
CA Release Automation: 6.*
The listed step can be performed by an administrator using JMX console exposed for administrative managements.
Steps to remove hung or halted process/es
In case if the JMX default port is not enabled in your environment, you can verify which port is configured for JMX by accessing file on path <ReleaseAutomationInstallDir>\webapps\datamanagement\WEB-INF and look for text jmx.web.console.port.The port number mentioned here will be the port where JMX is exposed.