This will happen when the agent is unable to find an appropriate .jar file used by an action in the process. If a missing .jar file is the cause of your cancelled steps then you would see messages similar to the following in the nolio_all.log and/or nolio_action_exe.log file:
2018-07-05 17:07:31,905 [Communication Msg Processor-4] ERROR (com.nolio.platform.shared.datamodel.Action:92) -
2018-07-05 17:07:31,907 [Communication Msg Processor-4] ERROR (com.nolio.platform.shared.flowcontrol.service.FlowControlService:87) - failed initialize flow for job[32768], jobServerId[32768].
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to create action from ActionProxy[null:ActionProxy]
- The problem doesn't have to be related to using a nexus action. The problem could happen for an action from an action supplied by an action pack not installed into Release Automation by default.
- If the step getting cancelled due to the missing action pack .jar file is in the pre-deploy phase then the job can show as: 100% Initialization Failed
- If the step getting cancelled due to the missing action pack .jar file is in the deployment phase then the job can show as: 100% Deployment Failed (though the % is likely dependent on how many steps complete by the time the step gets cancelled).