How to manage PXX Master List dumps in Datacom
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How to manage PXX Master List dumps in Datacom


Article ID: 103458


Updated On:


Datacom/DB Datacom/AD


All of the Return Codes used in Datacom have a corresponding default setting for whether PXX Master List dumps and buffer dumps are produced. This article explains how to change those settings at MUF startup and during MUF operation


Release: All



To change the current setting of a Return Code MasterList dump in the MUF, you can either run a DBUTLTY function to change them during operation, or you can change the MUF Startup Options so they have the new settings at the next startup.

In order to change them during MUF operation, execute the DBUTLTY program with this input:
//SYSIN    DD  *


ee The Datacom Return Code
iii The Datacom internal return code in Decimal (not the Hex value)
bbb YES to produce or NO to not produce a dump of Master List buffers
mmm YES to produce or NO to not produce a Master List dump

To change this setting at the MUF startup for a Return Code, add the following to your MUF Startup Options:
RCERROR   mmmm,bbbb,eeiii
RCERROR   mmmm,bbbb,eeiii-eeiii

mmmm YES to produce or NO to not produce a Master List dump for the selected return codes. You can also specify FAIL (at the direction of Support) to have the MUF abend and produce a System dump if the selected return codes are received, and MINIMAL to produce an abbreviated dump for application program debugging (this is not sufficient for Support debugging).
bbbb YES to produce or NO to not produce a dump of Master List buffers for the selected return codes. You can also specify FAIL (at the direction of Support) to have the MUF abend and produce a System dump if the selected return codes are received.
ee The Datacom Return Code
iii The Datacom internal return code in Decimal (not the Hex value)
eeiii-eeiii A range of Datacom Return codes and internal return codes, separated by a hyphen

Additional Information

For further information on the DBUTLTY COMM function for altering the RCERROR setting, please refer to the following documentation.
DATACOM CORE 15.1:  Reference > DBUTLTY Reference > Utility Function Summary > COMM (Communicate with MUF) > COMM ALTER (Modify Error Table)

For further information on the RCERROR MUF Startup Option, please refer to the following documentation.
DATACOM CORE 15.1Administrating > Datacom/DB Database and System Administration > Using the Multi-User Facility > Modifying MUF Startup Options > RCERROR