How to configure the Admin Console to access the Web Archive using a Proxy Server.
In some environments where internet access requires routing through a proxy server, the Admin Console (AC) will need to route the requests via the webgtw (Web Gateway) probe.
The webgtw probe must be configured to use a proxy server and then the Admin Console to pass the request through the webgtw.
DX UIM 20.4.* / 23.4.*
Deploying and configuring the Web Gateway probe
Configure the adminconsoleapp to use the webgtw
Next, start the webgtw probe and then restart the admin console's wasp probe
NOTE: Configure the webgtw using the configuration screen from the Admin Console and do not update via Raw_configure.
Related KBs:
Can't open online archive in IM after upgrade to DX UIM 23.4: "proxy login"