How to reset password in TM Admin Console
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How to reset password in TM Admin Console


Article ID: 99986


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How to reset password in Admin Console according to the Admin privileges provided .

This document will help in resetting password in CA Transaction Manager Admin Console according to the privileges (like if any Admin is Global Admin / Issuer Admin / CSR Admin).


Transaction Manager 7 and above


How to reset password in Admin Console according to the Admin privileges provided
Steps to be followed in case if we need to Reset Password in CA Transaction Manager Console: 

Step 1: Login into Admin Console using your credentials.

Step 2: After login into Transaction Manager Admin Console, check the privilege of an Admin (who's password need to be reset ).
             Privilege include: If any Admin belong to Global administrator/ Issuer Admin/ CSR Admin Configurations.

Step 3: Follow Step 2 and then follow below steps in order to rest password -

Login into Transaction Manager Admin Console à If Admin is Global Admin à Look for Global Admin configuration in Transaction Manager  à Click on Reset Global Admin Password à it will redirect to next screen where it will ask to reset the password (as shown below)

<Please see attached file for image>

Global Admin Reset password

After clicking on Rest Admin password, it will provide you with the tab which will ask you few information and click on save, as mentioned below:

<Please see attached file for image>

Reset Admin password

Step 4: Same as Step 3 can be followed for Issuer Admin and CSR Admin:

          Login into Transaction Manager Admin Console à If Admin is Issuer Admin/ CSR Adminà Look for Issuer / CSR Admin configuration in Transaction Manager  à Click on Reset Global Admin Password à it will redirect to next screen where it will ask to reset the password (as shown above)


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