Update Spectrum Event and Alarm Files via Command Line
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Update Spectrum Event and Alarm Files via Command Line


Article ID: 9994


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to reload Event Files via command line

Event files edited manually outside of Event Configuration Editor (ECE) must be reloaded into memory.
Typically this is done through the OneClick console on the VNM model of the

Landscape > Information tab > SpectroSERVER Control > Reload Event Configuration.

Having multiple DSS servers may make reloading the files into memory on each server time consuming.
Using command line to reload Event files into memory can be scripted and therefore be more efficient. 


Release: All Supported Releases

Component: SPCAEM - Events and Alarms


AlertMap & EventDisp files

AlertMap and EventDisp files are reloaded on the SpectroSERVERs

The CLI update action to use is 0x100a2 "Reload EventDisp and AlertMap files" with the VNM modelhandle.

- Using bash prompt, navigate to <SPECROOT>/vnmsh
- run command ./connect
- run ./show models | grep vnm
- the first column is <vnm model handle>
- run ./update action=0x100a2 <vnm model handle>

Sample shell loop: 

for VNM_MH in $(cat ~/custom/data/vnm_models) ; do ./update action=0x100a2 mh=$VNM_MH ; done



CsEvFormat & CsPCause files

EvFormat and PCause files are reloaded in OneClick Tomcat server. Therefore these files can be reloaded via REST API command: 


Examples would be :

wget http://ochost:ocport/spectrum/admin/ecds.jsp?reload=Reload --user username --password password

On Linux OS authentication with a clear text password may not work; use below in that case:

curl --location 'http://ochost:ocport/spectrum/admin/ecds.jsp?reload=Reload' --header 'Authorization: Basic encoded_creds'

wget --no-check-certificate --quiet --method GET --timeout=0 --header 'Authorization: Basic encoded_creds'  'http://ochost:ocport/spectrum/admin/ecds.jsp?reload=Reload'
    • ochost - Specifies the hostname of the OneClick web server.
    • ocport - Specifies the port number of your OneClick web server.
    • username - Specifies an administrator username for the OneClick web server.
    • password - Specifies an administrator password for the OneClick web server.
    • encoded_creds - 'username:password' encoded with Base64 ( use online generator if needed )


Additional Information

Reload EvFormat/PCause Configuration Page

You may need to apply a fix to the web.xml file if using releases 23.3.x: Update Spectrum Event and Alarm Files via wget not working