Password Synch Agent - ! Warning: eTrust Admin user account 'test01' has not been found
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Password Synch Agent - ! Warning: eTrust Admin user account 'test01' has not been found


Article ID: 99894


Updated On:


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


 PSA (Password Synch Agent ) installed on an Active Directory endpoint.  When a user changes the password, the PSA log report the following.

20180504.19:24:43. TID=1b14. * Password Quality Check for user=test01
20180504.19:24:43. TID=1824. * PasswordChangeNotify(user=test01)
20180504.19:24:43. TID=1824. ! Warning: eTrust Admin user account 'test01' has not been found.
LDAP error: No such object.

Administrator DN: 'eTGlobalUserName=etapswad,eTGlobalUserContainerName=Global Users,eTNamespaceName=CommonObjects,dc=im,dc=eta'.
Search from DN: 'eTADSDirectoryName=ABC-DC01,eTNamespaceName=ActiveDirectory,dc=im,dc=eta'.
Filter: '(&(eTADSsAMAccountName=test01)(objectClass=eTADSAccount))'.
Attribute: 'objectClass'.
Attr. only: 'false'.

 In Provisioning Manager, the user exists and is correlated to the ADS account. Also the users exists as confirmed by  a directory search via jxplorer or another LDAP browser tool.


Component: IDMGR


Validate that the password sync agent is pointing  to the correct Prov server.
Verify the exact directory location where the users reside.
Update the password sync config file to to reflect the correct Prov server and correct  "Search from" location.