After a restart of the primary SpectroSERVER, Spectrum is asserting many false MPLS alarms. Specifically the "PATH IS DOWN" event.
Release: Any Component: SPCAEM
Not all devices in the LSP path are modeled in the SpectroSERVER database. If all devices in the path are not modeled in the SpectroSERVER database, when Spectrum detects a possible problem, it will not be able to successfully isolate the issue.
Ensure all of the devices in the LSP pach are modeled in the SpectroSERVER database.
If you are unable to model them and do not wish to manage the path in MPLS Manager, you can exclude them by doing the following:
1. Log into OneClick as an ADMIN user 2. Right mouse click on the MPLS Tranpsport Manager folder in the Explorer tab of the Navigation panel and select Component Detail from the menu 3. Click on the Information tab in the Coponent Detail panel 4. Find and expand the Configuration -> LSP Discovery subview 5. Set the Path Filter Type to Exclusive 6. In the Path Filter field, add the paths you wish to exclude 7. Delete the MplsPath models that you wish to exclude
In addition, you should also disable "Create LSP on Trap" by doing the following:
1. Log into OneClick as an ADMIN user 2. Right mouse click on the MPLS Tranpsport Manager folder in the Explorer tab of the Navigation panel and select Component Detail from the menu 3. Click on the Information tab in the Coponent Detail panel 4. Find and expand the Configuration -> LSP Discovery subview 5. Set "Create LSP on Trap" to No
Additional Information
Please reference the "MPLS Transport Manager" section of he documentation for more information.