Discovery Profile History results in Performance Management
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Discovery Profile History results in Performance Management


Article ID: 9974


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CA Infrastructure Management CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How to export Discovery Profile history results.

How to view Discovery Profile History results.

How to view Discovery Profile History results in the web UI.

How to view Discovery Profile History results outside of the web UI.

How to view Discovery Profile History results without the web UI.

How to view Discovery Profile History results using REST.

Discusses alternative means of exporting and reviewing results from Discovery Profile History entries.

The standard path to view Discovery Profile History results is via the Performance Management Performance Center web interface. This is not always useful when trying to discuss these results with other users or team mates, in moment s where the web UI might not be available.

There are times when the results data will be used for other tasks, including the need to export those results and modify them in other formats like text files or Excel Spreadsheets.


All supported Performance Management releases


Reviewing Discovery Profile History (Discovery Instance) entries in the Performance Center web interface.

  1. Go to Administration->Monitored Items Management->Discovery Profiles
  2. Select the target Discovery Profile and select the History button.
  3. Select a Discovery Instance entry for the day under review.
    • NOTE: When reviewing History for IPs that didn't show a new device being discovered make sure to select the Unchanged State option and hit the Apply button to refresh the results. An IP already discovered against a different device, when attempted again with no change being found, would only be seen via exposure of the Unchanged State IPs.

Sample screen shot showing a Discovery History entry selected from a Discovery Profile. Screenshot taken from an r3.7.10 support lab system.


Reviewing Discovery Profile History (Discovery Instance) entries using REST. The high level steps for using REST to review Discovery Profile History (Discovery Instance) entries are:

NOTE: If using Multi-Tenant configurations seen the Additional Information section for different URLs required to review Discovery Profile and Discovery Instance entries.

  1. Determine the ID of the Discovery Profile under review
  2. Bring up the REST details for that Discovery Profile using it's ID.
  3. Note the list of Discovery Instance ID values.
    • These each represent an entry seen in the History entries for the Discovery Profile in the web UI.
    • For the DiscoveryInstanceIDList:
      • The higher the number, the newer the entry
        The lower the number, the older the entry
    • The MostRecentInstance is what it states, the newest most recent Discovery Run results data.
  4. Bring up the REST details for the Discovery Instance ID to review the results from that Discovery Profile run.


Determining Discovery Profile ID

There are two ways to determine the ID.

  1. Determine ID via Discovery Profiles page in the web UI.
    1. Go to Administration->Monitored Items Management->Discovery Profiles
    2. Hold the mouse pointer over any of the column headers in the Discovery Profiles list.
      1. Select the Gear icon that appears
      2. Select the Columns option
      3. Check off the option for the "Id" column
        • Note to keep this in view go to Save Column Settings just below Columns. Choose a Save option.
      4. Sample screen shot from r3.7.10 support lab system
  2. Determine ID via Discovery Profiles REST page.
    1. In a browser, or via GET request in a REST API, bring up the following URLs output:
    2. This will list all profiles.
      1. Search the output list for the name of the Discovery Profile under review.
      2. Note the <ID> value for the target profile per it's <Name> value.
    3. Test to validate the correct ID was selected. 
    4. In a browser, or via GET request in a REST API, bring up the following URLs output. Replace <ID> with the ID identified:
    5. This should only return the single sought after profile.


View and Review Discovery Instances

To view the various Discovery Instance entries for a given Discovery Profile we bring up their details via their REST page, based on their ID.

To view the list of Discovery Instance IDs available for a given Discovery Profile go to the following URL. Replace the <ID> with the ID found earlier.

In the results we want to note:

  • DiscoveryInstanceIDList where we see the <ID> list, one for each Discovery Instance.
  • MostRecentInstance which is, as it states, the newest most recent Discovery Run results data.

To bring up the details for a given Discovery Instance ID entry use the following URL. Replace the <ID> with the Instance ID to be reviewed.

Additional Information

Using multiple Tenants in Performance Management? We'll need to use the Tenant ID to ensure we're viewing the right Discovery Profile from the correct Tenant.

  1. Go to the following URL to show all Tenant entries. Replace DA_HOST with the DA Host Name or IP Address.
    1. http://DA_HOST:8581/rest/tenants
  2. Note the Tenant ID in <ID> for the Tenant that hosts the Discovery Profile to be reviewed.
  3. All Discovery Profile and Discovery Instance REST URLs issued in browser tabs or REST clients in a Multi-Tenant environment must have the Tenant ID specified.
    1. Discovery Profile URLs:
      1. List all Discovery Profiles: http://DA_HOST:8581/rest/tenant/<TenantID>/discoveryprofiles
      2. List one Discovery Profile using ID: http://DA_HOST:8581/rest/tenant/<TenantID>/discoveryprofiles/<ID>
    2. Discovery Instance URLs:
      1. List all Discovery Instances (from all Discovery Profiles): http://DA_HOST:8581/rest/tenant/<TenantID>/discoveryinstances
      2. List one Discovery Instance using ID: http://DA_HOST:8581/rest/tenant/<TenantID>/discoveryinstances/<ID>


Sample REST output for a common Discovery Profile, the Default Domain Discovery Profile often created via the Spectrum Integration. Note this is arrived at via URL http://DA_HOST:8581/rest/discoveryprofiles/1340

<DiscoveryProfile version="1.0.0">
<DiscoveryInstanceIDList relatesURL="relatesto/instances" rootURL="discoveryinstances">
<ScheduleIDList relatesURL="relatesto/schedule" rootURL="schedule">
<IsA name="IPDomainMember" rootURL="ipdomainmember"/>
<IsA name="SystemCreatedDiscoveryProfile" rootURL="systemcreateddiscoveryprofiles"/>
<IPDomainMember version="1.0.0">
<Item version="1.0.0">
<Name>Default Domain</Name>
<CreateTime>Wed Oct 2 18:13:04 2019 -0400</CreateTime>

Using the MostRecentInstance Instance ID value in the following URL, we see this sample of output that can be reviewed. It's from the URL http://DA_HOST:8581/rest/discoveryinstances/156692

<DiscoveryInstance version="1.0.0">
<StartTime>Sun Jul 26 20:00:00 2020 -0400</StartTime>
<CompletionTime>Sun Jul 26 20:00:00 2020 -0400</CompletionTime>
<Item version="1.0.0">
<CreateTime>Sun Jul 26 20:00:00 2020 -0400</CreateTime>

A different sample of a Discovery Instance entry where it found 1 new device.

<DiscoveryInstance version="1.0.0">
<StartTime>Tue Mar 24 12:42:26 2020 -0400</StartTime>
<CompletionTime>Tue Mar 24 12:42:38 2020 -0400</CompletionTime>
<Item version="1.0.0">
<CreateTime>Tue Mar 24 12:42:26 2020 -0400</CreateTime>


See the UnreachableDevicesList section in the discoveryinstances output for the inaccessible IP list in that discovery instance:

