Preceding Space of Attributes Trimmed Away After Import Into IDG
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Preceding Space of Attributes Trimmed Away After Import Into IDG


Article ID: 99248


Updated On: 10-20-2023


CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal


We noticed that when we import accounts from application with a preceding space, the preceding space is trimmed away. The space at the back is retained though.

personID,userName,orgName,orgType,shortName,LDAPName,Status,Last Login Date,Created Date
" K0182090 "," K0182090 ",,"KBANK",," K0182090 ","Enabled",,"2018-03-19 14:04:52.03"

Is it possible to retain the preceding space?


Component: SGRM


Spaces - hexadecimal 20 are not allowed by the underlying DB  whether they are trailing or preceding.
If importing Hex 20 in the preceding string or trailing it, the SQL will be rejected. 
Meanwhile, hexadecimal A0 space (no break space) is allowed. These characters are respected in the DB but are not shown in the IG UI.