Deleting old temporary plans created by Datacom Server
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Deleting old temporary plans created by Datacom Server


Article ID: 99207


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Datacom Datacom/DB Datacom/Server Datacom/Server


In very old releases of CA Datacom Server, it may have been that some temporary plans did not successfully get deleted if the Datacom Server connection was not ended successfully.

What are the steps to delete them?


Release: 15.x
Component: Datacom Server


Run a DD report to identify the PLANs and determine which to be deleted:

Refer to knowledge article "Print list of all Datacom SQL PLANS"

Delete the old plans:

If the PLANs to be deleted have the same AUTHID as the active Datacom Server, first start the mainframe Datacom Server under a different AUTHID startup parameter.

To delete one or only a few plans, use the SQL Mode of Datadictionary Online (DDOL): 

  1. Signon to DDOL.
  2. Select SQL mode.
  3. Select SQLADMIN.
  4. Enter the name of the PLAN to be deleted and the authorization-id.
  5. Enter PF9 to execute the delete command. 

To delete a large number of plans, use batch DDUPDATE: 

Using batch DDUPDATE, delete the PLAN twice, using the version number of the plan. For example: 
     -DEL PLAN,oldauthid-planname(001)
     -DEL PLAN,oldauthid-planname(001)  
Deleting the PLAN the first time moves the PLAN from production to History status in the Datadictionary.
Deleting it the second time removes the PLAN from DD and from the DDD.
Deleting the PLAN also removes all associated STATEMENTs for the PLAN.                                   
Note:  Be sure to delete the PLAN *twice* so no plan remains in history status. A plan put into history status cannot be dropped by SQL, nor can a new plan of the same name be later created (due to duplicate names).