Adding a parmjob card to Endevor
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Adding a parmjob card to Endevor


Article ID: 99205


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


A new push is to put a jobparm card in Endevor's batch and foreground processing.
What needs to be modified to accomplish this change?


Release: ENDAE.00200-18.0-Endevor-Software Change Manager


There is no way to add a jobparm card in a processor. 

To add a jobparm to the batch job, do the following:

1. Bring up Endevor
2. Select a environment
3. on the Primary Option panel - C1SM1000,  select 3 - batch

On the bottom of the C1SB3000 panel you will see the following:

 Job Statement Information:
 ===> //userid JOB (accting),'username',MSGCLASS=X,
 ===> //*
 ===> //*
add your jobparm card to the first open line


To add the jobparm to the foreground submitted job:

1. Bring up Endevor
2. select a environment
3. Again on the Primary Option panel - C1SM1000, select option 0 - DEFAULTS

On panel C1SO0000 -----------------  User Defaults

the jobcard is also at the bottom of the panel

  ===> //userid JOB (accting),'username',MSGCLASS=X,
  ===> //  REGION=4096K,NOTIFY=&SYSUID
  ===> //*
  ===> //*
add your jobparm card to the first open line