The following CA JCLCheck REXX variables contain the DSN, member name of the JCL being validated, and the DSN type:
- $CA.IDSNAME - $CA.IMEMBER - $CA.ITYPE: SEQ (Sequential file), PDS (Partitioned Data Set), LIB (Librarian), or PAN (Panvalet)
To force a message when the job name and the PDS member name do not match, add the following codes to the RAW_DATA_PROCESSING section of your CAZ1REXX program:
RAW_DATA_PROCESSING: $CA.RCOUNT = $CA.RCOUNT + 0 /* Strip Leading Zero Say ' Record Count is:' $CA.RCOUNT Say 'Statement Type is:' $CA.RSTYPE Do n = 1 to $ca.rcount SAY 'Data: ' $CA.RECORD.n Say 'ca.imember' is $CA.IMEMBER Say 'ca.idsname' is $CA.IDSNAME Say 'ca.itype' is $CA.ITYPE Say 'job.jobname' is JOB.JOBNAME IF $CA.RSTYPE = 'JOB' Then do If $CA.IMEMBER /= JOB.JOBNAME THEN DO Call $CAJCL_ERROR 'E', Jobname JOB.JOBNAME does not match the PDS member $CA.IMEMBER End End Return
The following error message will appear when the job name and the PDS member name do not match:
CAY6341E 'JOBNAME jobname DOES NOT MATCH THE PDS MEMBER pds member name'
for example, job name is IEF1 and the PDS member name is IEFXX CAY6341E 'JOBNAME IEF1 DOES NOT MATCH THE PDS MEMBER IEFXX'