Taking a SnapShot of your DevTest Environment
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Taking a SnapShot of your DevTest Environment


Article ID: 99186


Updated On:


CA Application Test CA Continuous Application Insight (PathFinder) Service Virtualization


The snapshot tool allows the retrieval of log files, list of properties and jar files that are associated with the specified Registry by running a script on the command prompt. It does not include the Enterprise Dashboard or the portal logs.   

A lot of times the user is running on a distributed environment and does not have access to all machines.  Snapshot allows you to get the log files for  LISA components that are connected to the Registry you define on the user’s machine without needing access to the other machines that are hosting the LISA Components.


All supported DevTest Environments





Below are the instructions on how to take a Snapshot: . 

1. Open a command prompt where the user is working on their LISA Workstation and cd to $LISA_HOME/bin

2. In the bin directory type in the command below (replacing the localhost with the correct RegistryHostName information) 

on windows

>ServiceManager.exe -d tcp://RegistryHostName:2010/Registry -u username -p password 

on linux

>./ServiceManager -d tcp://RegistryHostName:2010/Registry -u username -p password 

3. The output is going to create a tcp__RegistryHostName_2010_Registry.zip file in DevTest_HOME folder.

4. The Enterprise Dashboard and Portal logs should be sent separately as these are not captured by the Snapshot.