After migrating z/OS to v2.3 with Top Secret, the following error occurs with SDSF access:
ISF452E SDSFAUX communications failed, return code 0x00000008, reason code 0x00360806, function "connect". Not authorized for request.
This worked under z/OS v2.1. SDSFAUX is not being run.
z/OS v2.3
When a 'new' SDSF Task is started and this message occurs without any other errors displayed in the job output, then this message can be ignored. The ISF452E message is issued because SDSF code can't identify if a Top Secret rule is resident or not.
If SDSF security isn't enabled on Top Secret (determined from a Top Secret Violation Report), then changing the SDSF CONNECT parameter to 'AUXSAF(NOFAILRC4)' will prevent this message.
If there is a Top Secret violation, permit the access via:
TSS PERMIT(acid) resclass(resname) ACCESS(acc)
‘acid’ is the user ACID, an attached profile, or the ALL record if all users should have access.
‘resclass’ is the resource class
‘resname’ is the resource name
‘acc’ is the access level.