On Linux/UNIX systems the following process is recommended for building Aion applications.
1. In the directory where the Aion product was installed there is a file named aion.sh and sub-directories named bin, lib, build, include, etc. We refer to this directory as AION_HOME.
2. Establish the AION_HOME directory as the current directory of a command prompt.
3. Perform the following request:
. ./aion.sh
There is a space between the two periods. The first period indicates that the shell script will be run at the same shell level as the command prompt. As a result environment variable definitions in the aion.sh script are effective at the command prompt level.
4. Perform the following command:
which respawn
It should show that respawn is in the <AION_HOME> bin directory.
5. Make the current directory the one containing your application source - yourprogram.app
6. Perform the following command:
respawn yourprogram -res -gen -comp -link
This should complete successfully.
7. If your application includes other application, you will need to perform respawn for other application source file as well. Each of these other requests will make a dll in the other application's bin directory. You will need to copy these dll's to the bin directory of your main application.