Some troubleshooting steps to take when Data Repository (Vertica) logs are not rotating properly.
vertica.log is too large
Releases of Performance Management using Vertica 10.1.x
Address various possible causes and solutions for log rotation failures.
Files and logs to check and validate to ensure logrotate is set up and configured properly:
An example of the cronjob that is created in step 3.1:
# Vertica administrator cron
# Minute Hour Day Month Day of Week Command
5 3 * * * /opt/vertica/oss/python3/bin/python3 -m vertica.do_logrotate &> /dev/null
If there appears to be no cron job runs for log rotate, while it works manually launched, the /var/log/cron log may hold important clues. If the dradmin users password has expired, the cron job for log rotate will fail to run with these errors in the /var/log/cron log files at the time the log rotate cron job is scheduled to run.
Jan 20 03:05:01 <hostName> crond[295031]: (dradmin) PAM ERROR (Authentication token expired)
Jan 20 03:05:01 <hostName> crond[295031]: (dradmin) FAILED to authorize user with PAM (Authentication token expired)