A REBUILD INDEX utility statement in a RC/Migrator Move strategy is not generated so the index is left in Rebuild Pending RBDP status after the DDL CREATE INDEX statement is executed in the target DB2 Subsystem.
Note the following from RC/Migrator User Guide manual:
Rebuild Index
Specifies whether to include Rebuild Index utilities in the analysis. This option is in effect only if the index was created using the DEFER YES clause. Valid values are as follows:
Includes Rebuild Index utilities in the analysis. The DEFER YES option is overridden for indexes that are created on empty tables.
Does not include Rebuild Index utilities in the analysis.
Value for DEFER clause is not stored in the DB2 Catalog so it has to be generated in the CREATE INDEX statement. To generate the DEFER YES clause in the CREATE INDEX statement you have to work with Global Changes and set YES to IXDR Code.
Then in the Analysis Options you have to select this Global Changes and be sure there is REBUILD INDEX ==> Y in the Analysis Options.
Now in the Analysis Report strategy you will get a CREATE INDEX ... DEFER YES statement followed by a REBUILD INDEX utility statement.