How to use REST to change the polling state of select items in DX NetOps Data Aggregator.
Allows for automated and scheduled polling state changes for select devices and/or elements.
All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases
To start or stop polling for a device via REST
URL: protocol://DAHOST:PORT/rest/tenant/TENANTID/devices/DEVICEID
protocol : http or https
PORT : PORT DA is running on (defaults: http/8581 https/8582)
DAHOST : DA Host Name.
TENANTID : Tenant ID for the Tenant that hosts the target device.
DEVICEID : target Device ID.
Content-Type: application/xml
Body: <Device version="1.0.0"><StopPoll>VALUE</StopPoll></Device>
VALUE = true (for Stop) or false (for Start).
Example using curl to stop a device
curl -kv -X PUT -u admin -H 'Content-type: application/xml' -d '<Device version="1.0.0"><StopPoll>true</StopPoll></Device>' https://dahost.dom.tld:8582/rest/tenant/8/devices/12345