How to run device Rediscovery through REST
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How to run device Rediscovery through REST


Article ID: 98854


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


Scripting scheduled REST calls for device by device Rediscovery, without full Discovery Profile launches, would help lower time spent administering device Inventory updates.

Allows for automated and scheduled Rediscovery of select devices.

What is the REST CURL statement we can use to script rediscovery launches for individual devices?

Run a re-discovery for a single device using a REST CURL statement.

Using REST API calls to perform the same actions as the Rediscover button on the device Details tab in DA Monitored Devices Inventory.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


Managing device Inventory via the UI based Discovery Profiles is time consuming in larger environments with more frequent changes.


This REST call will launch the same functionality as the Rediscover button.

curl  –u <user>:<password> -v -X POST -H 'Content-type: application/xml' -d '<root/>' <scheme>://<DAHOST>:<Port>/genericWS/devices/<DEVICEID>/inventorydiscovery 

Replace these values in the statement with appropriate values.

  • Replace <user> and <password> with a valid Portal user and it's password assigned to an Administrative Role.
  • Replace <scheme> with the scheme in use.
    • Default: http
    • SSL: https
  • Replace <DAHOST> with real DA Host Name.
  • Replace <Port> with the configured DA port.
    • Default Port: 8581
    • Recommended SSL Port: 8582
  • Replace <DEVICEID> with the DA Item_ID for the device being rediscovered

Additional Information

Additional information can be found in the following article covering REST based Discovery Profile creation and runs.