List Group membership through REST
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List Group membership through REST


Article ID: 98843


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


There are no simple UI based methods to generate lists of Group members for review. Is there an option outside of the UI membership lists to review all members of a group?

In this scenario a Chart against a Group with 111 members sometimes only lists 110 elements.

This provides a method to compare elements present between the Group membership and CSV exports of the problem Chart to determine which is the missing element.


All supported DX NetOps Performance Management releases


1: Pick any Dashboard and change the Context to be the target Group. Examine the URL in the browsers URL bar. We'll see something like this as an example "GroupID=12908" at the end of the URL. This is the internal ID the Group is known by within the netqosportal MySql Database that runs under the NetOps Portal install.

2: With the group ID known go to the following URL:


Where <Portal_HOST> is the host name of the NetOps Portal server.
Where 8181 is the default port for NetOps Portal. Replace as needed with SSL or other custom-configured port.
Where <GroupID> was identified in the Dashboard URL. 

For example, it might be using a 12908 ID: 


That will provide an XML based list of members for the Group. It can then be exported to end up with an element list for comparison to report exports.

With that list of elements present, we can cut the same list from CSV report exports and compare them.

Additional Information

The NetOps Portal REST calls require the default admin user log in credentials.