CI htmpl forms and data tables organisation
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CI htmpl forms and data tables organisation


Article ID: 98744


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Asset Portfolio Management CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


CIs are classified by Class and Family. The attributes for a CI are held in a number of data tables:

  • ca_owned_resource à representing the CI attributes common to all CA products associated with CIs (CA Service Desk, CA IT Asset Manager etc)
  • usp_owned_resource à representing the CI attributes specific to Service Desk.
  • Extension tables with specific attributes relating to each CI Family. There are approx 50 of these.  As an example:
    • ci_hardware_monitor for the Hardware.Monitor Family
    • ci_hardware_printer for the Hardware.Printer Family
    • ci_hardware_storage for the Hardware.Storage Family
    • ci_hardware_virtual for the Hardware.Virtual Machine Family
    • ci_hardware_workstation for the Hardware.Workstation Family

The Family is important because each Family provides a unique set of attributes for a CI based on the extension table.  Most families have an associated extension table although some families such as ‘Other’ do not.


Release:  All releases
Component: CA Service Desk Manager/CMDB


The data for a CI is displayed via an upper screen pane which shows the key CI attributes (based on the family) together with a set of tabs:

  • For CIs with an extension table, the system selects a top level  htmpl file based on the extension table (e.g. detail_har_monx.htmpl, detail_har_stox.htmpl etc).
  • For CIs without an extension table, the system uses detail_nr.htmpl.
  • For either type, cmdb_detail.htmpl and cmdbNotebook.htmpl are used to render the top level screen fields and control the tabs.
  • The tabs are then rendered dependant on the htmpl files described above:
    • The first Tab (Attributes) will be unique to each family:
      • For CIs with an extension table, the system selects an  htmpl tab file based on the extension table (e.g. detail_har_monx.htmpl, detail_har_stox.htmpl etc).
      • For CIs without an extension table, nr_cmdb__tab.htmpl is used.
      • Subsequent tabs will be common to all CIs (inventory, service, location etc).
      • There are also htmpl files used to control the versioning of attributes (cmdb_versioning.htmpl and cmdb_metadata_common.htmpl and then cmdb_metadata_xxx.htmpl for specific families).