The CA Health Monitoring Agent is consuming CPU on the agents and the server. We do not use the health monitoring agent. Is there a way to disable it on all the agents remotely?
CA Client Automation - All Versions.
To disable the HMAgent on all the agents, create an asset job as below and run it on All Computers.
1. In the DSM Explorer, navigate to 'Asset Jobs'.
2. Right-click and select 'New'.
3. Select the Job Type as 'Command Job'.
4. Give the desired name and description to the job.
5. Add the following commands in the editor:
taskkill /f /im hmagent.exe
sc config hmagent start= disabled
6. In the Next screen click on 'Set Scheduling' and choose 'Run Only Once'.
7. Click Finish.
Once the Job is created you can link it under All Computers->Group Details->Jobs->Asset Jobs.
Note: You can disable the Health Monitoring agent using Software Delivery as well by creating a batch file with the two commands and deploying it to the agents.