Jasper Server Postgres service fails to stop using the stopServers script
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Jasper Server Postgres service fails to stop using the stopServers script


Article ID: 98345


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CA Spectrum


After running the <JASPERHOME>/stopServers script, the Postgres server fails to stop and you may see the following output:

Default Postgres database user is: postgres
Default Postgres database port is: 5432
waiting for server to shut down............................................................... failed
pg_ctl: server does not shut down
HINT: The "-m fast" option immediately disconnects sessions rather than waiting for session-initiated disconnection.
Unable to stop Default Postgres database


CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® Server - 6.3.0
CA Business Intelligence JasperReports® Server - 6.4.2


The issue is that the Postgres server is timing out which is causing the script to fail.


Navigate to the <JASPERHOME>/stopServers script, open the file and look for the following section:

su $postgreSqlUser -c "postgresql/bin/pg_ctl -D postgresql/data -l postgresql/logs/log.txt stop"

and change it to:

su $postgreSqlUser -c "postgresql/bin/pg_ctl -D postgresql/data -m fast -l postgresql/logs/log.txt stop"

Save the file, then re-run the script in order to successfully shutdown the Postgres server.