Trying to restore a deleted Endevor member.
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Trying to restore a deleted Endevor member.


Article ID: 98341


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Endevor Endevor Natural Integration Endevor - ECLIPSE Plugin Endevor - Enterprise Workbench


An element was accidentially deleted from Endevor. Is there a way to recover it if the base, delta, and MCF are restored ? There are no Endevor unload files available, but the system backup files are recoverable. 


Component: ENDBAS


It is possible to create a test environment to restore an element using system backup files.
  1. You will need to recover the base, delta, and MCF from a backup before the element was deleted.
  2. Also recover the element catalog and index files
  3. First rename all files
  4. Create a C1DEFLTS source with the renamed files in a test authorized loadlib.  This should be seperate from your production Endevor.
  5. With a STEPLIB specified in all the following jobs and in all steps 
    1. Run the catalog rename utility, BC1JXCNM, so the catalog name matches the renamed recovered catalog.
    2. Using an alternate clist, bring up the restored Endevor. Update the type definition with the renamed recovered base/delta files.
    3. Next run the catalog synchronization utility, BC1JCSYN, to update the catalog with the current element inventory.
  6. You will now be able to retrieve, archive, or unload the deleted source.
  7. You can use the recovered source to update your production version of Endevor.



Additional Information

If you run a scheduled Endevor Unload (Unload, Reload, Validate Utility). You can just transfer the deleted element from the unload datset, without having to restore any files. See:  How to backup your Endevor Files  Document:  KB000011046