Yearly report resolution change from 1-Day Resolution to 1-hour Resolution in DX NetOps Performance Management (PM)
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Yearly report resolution change from 1-Day Resolution to 1-hour Resolution in DX NetOps Performance Management (PM)


Article ID: 98272


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CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps


How to generate a yearly report resolution from 1-Day Resolution to 1-hour Resolution when existing resolution of yearly report is daily condition and expect to select the "Resolution" as "1 Hour" in last 12 months report.
The yearly report cannot indicate the trend on utilization growth. The daily interval average out a lot value.

How to generate a yearly report resolution from 1-Day Resolution to 1-hour Resolution. Existing resolution of yearly report is daily condition and expect to select the "Resolution" as "1 Hour" in last 12 months report..

Or simply change all data resolution


DX NetOps performance Management all supported versions.


1) See the Report Resolution Settings page to see the current amount of time that daily, hourly, as polled data retnetin values.

This will show how long you are keeping each resolution of data for.


"Data Aggregator as polled data retention value = 45"

You can change the retention rates, but you must ensure your environment is sized appropriately for the data using the DX NetOps sizing tool

If Data retention is changed to hourly retention, then it will take another 300+ days to build up 365 days of hourly data.

It doesn't recalculate hourly data on change of the setting. It will require more disk space on Vertica to hold that data and this should be considered with regards to the overall footprint of the Vertica data area. As far as using the data, it would require enabling the High Resolution role right on the user's role that wish to use it.

It means anyone with that role right will be able to read the rate table for up to 30 days, and hourly for up to 365 days.

That's a lot of data to churn through for a report, in terms of DR memory and CPU. The reports will take some time to run, so you will need to make sure their DR nodes are spec'd higher and might need to increase the RIB timeout depending on how long it's taking to run reports using 365 days of hourly data.

In order to modify the high resolution Report Resolution numbers in the admin UI, you need to make the fields editable as follows:

1) Navigate to:

http://<PERFORMANCE_CENTER_HOST>:8181/pc/center/admin/debug/attrs and change ReportResolutionSettable to true.

Note: Editing the settings here can have deleterious effects on the portal, edit only the setting above and no other settings.

2) Then you can goto Administration -> System Settings -> Report Resolution. Enter 365 for hourly when using high resolution role right, and Save.

Or change report resolution fields as you want