CA Symdump CICS r 10 during dump capture issues message CASD7506 followed by message CASD7500.
Article ID: 98173
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SymDump for CICSSymDump Batch
The client is running CA Symdump CICS r 10 in several CTS 5.4 regions. In this one particular region during dump capture the follow messages were generated. CASD7506 TRANSACTION FIBR (TASK 02482) IS NOT RESPONSIVE, DUMP CAPTURE WILL BE ABBREVIATED CASD7500 DUMP CAPTURE HAS TERMINATED ABNORMALLY
The CA Symdump CICS PROTDMP repository became full. When the PROTDMP file is full it will pass the dump to CICS to capture so the dump is not lost. The following messages were issued at dump capture time. CASD6069 SYMDUMP INTERCEPT OF DUMP REQUEST FOR TRANSACTION FIBR: ABEND(DKL1), TASK(02463), NON TERMINAL TASK CASD6054 INSUFFICIENT NON-HELD RECORDS FOR SYMDUMP PROCESSING CASD6050 CICS WILL CAPTURE THIS DUMP
Since the dump was very large the CICS DFHDMPA filled up and requested secondary extents several times. The CICS dump capture process was taking a considerable amount of time. At that point CA Symdump CICS cancelled the dumps capture to free up the CICS resources and allow CICS to continue processing. CASD7506 TRANSACTION FIBR (TASK 02482) IS NOT RESPONSIVE, DUMP CAPTURE WILL BE ABBREVIATED This message was followed by a Symdump CICS diagnostic dump with message CASD7500. CA Symdump CICS recovered and processed additional dumps. CASD7500 DUMP CAPTURE HAS TERMINATED ABNORMALLY
(1) Increase the size of the DFHDMP data sets, if you really use/need them. You will need to delete and redefine them with more space. (2) Increase the size of the CA Symdump CICS PROTDMP file. (3) Configure CA Symdump CICS to suppress the CICS dump capture. (4) Configure CA Symdump CICS to use dynamic purge option so that it always captures its dump. This is a safe guard against filling up your CICS DFHDMP data sets.