Compatibility certification for Broadcom for z14 processor
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Compatibility certification for Broadcom for z14 processor


Article ID: 98146


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New mainframe announced - z14 - IBM Z - z/VSE support

Today (July 17, 2017) IBM announced a new mainframe - IBM z14

z14 is planned to be available on September 13, 2017.

z14 is z/Architecture only.  
Up to z13, IPL was done in ESA/390 mode. The operating system decided  to switch in z/Architecture mode or stay with ESA/390. Since z/VSE V4 z/VSE switches into z/Architecture mode early during the IPL process.
With z14,  IPL is performed in z/Architecture mode only. No switch to ESA/390 mode is possible.

Have the Broadcom VSE products been certified on this processor? 


VSE 5.2
VSE 6.1
VSE 6.2


cr24 - rpj - updated product list 


All the Broadcom VSE products were certified on a IBM z14 processor and there were no required APARs or PTFs created for compatibility.